Mastering Cordova InAppBrowser: The Ultimate Guide to Overriding Content Security Policy
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Mastering Cordova InAppBrowser: The Ultimate Guide to Overriding Content Security Policy

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Are you tired of dealing with the restrictions imposed by Content Security Policy (CSP) in your Cordova InAppBrowser project? Do you want to unleash the full potential of your app’s web view? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of CSP and show you how to override it to achieve unparalleled flexibility and customization.

What is Content Security Policy (CSP)?

CSP is a security feature that allows developers to control the sources of content that can be executed within a web page. It’s a valuable tool for protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and ensuring the integrity of your app’s content. However, it can also be a major pain point for developers who need to load external resources or execute custom scripts.

The Problem with CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser

When using Cordova’s InAppBrowser plugin, you may have noticed that it enforces a strict CSP policy by default. This means that any external scripts or stylesheets not explicitly allowed by the policy will be blocked, leading to broken functionality or refused loads. If you’re trying to integrate a third-party library or load a script from an external source, you’ll likely encounter the following error:

Refused to load script from ‘’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “default-src ‘self’ data: gap: ‘unsafe-eval'”.

Why Override CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser?

So, why would you want to override CSP in the first place? There are several scenarios where relaxing the CSP restrictions can be beneficial:

  • Integrating third-party libraries or services that rely on external scripts or stylesheets.
  • Loading custom fonts or resources from external sources.
  • Executing dynamic scripts or code snippets generated at runtime.
  • Enhancing the functionality of your app’s web view with custom plugins or extensions.

How to Override CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser

Now that we’ve established the why, let’s dive into the how. Overriding CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser involves modifying the plugin’s configuration and implementing a custom security policy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Update Cordova InAppBrowser Configuration

In your Cordova project, navigate to the `config.xml` file and add the following lines within the `` or `` section:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser">
  <param name="AndroidAnalyzerEnabled" value="false" />
  <param name="ContentSecurityPolicy" value="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';" />

The `ContentSecurityPolicy` parameter allows you to define a custom CSP policy. In this example, we’re permitting scripts and styles from any source (`*`) while still maintaining some level of security by limiting inline scripts and styles to the app’s own domain (`’self’`) and allowing unsafe eval scripts.

Step 2: Implement a Custom Security Policy

Create a new file called `inappbrowser.config.js` in your project’s root directory and add the following code:

module.exports = {
  contentSecurityPolicy: {
    default-src: ['*'],
    style-src: ['self', 'unsafe-inline'],
    script-src: ['self', 'unsafe-inline', 'unsafe-eval']

This file defines a custom CSP policy that overrides the default one. You can adjust the policy to suit your specific needs by modifying the `default-src`, `style-src`, and `script-src` directives.

Step 3: Load the Custom Policy in Your App

In your app’s JavaScript code, import the `InAppBrowser` plugin and load the custom policy:

const InAppBrowser = require('cordova-plugin-inappbrowser');

const options = {
  preferExternal: true,
  ContentSecurityPolicy: module.exports.contentSecurityPolicy

const browser = InAppBrowser.create('about:blank', '_blank', options);

  code: 'console.log("CSP policy overridden successfully!")'

This code creates a new InAppBrowser instance with the custom CSP policy and executes a script to verify that the policy has been overridden correctly.

Best Practices for Overriding CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser

While overriding CSP can provide more flexibility, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure the security and integrity of your app:

  1. Only relax the policy as needed: Avoid using wildcard (`*`) sources unnecessarily, as this can introduce security vulnerabilities. Instead, specify only the domains or sources that require access.
  2. Use version control and monitoring: Keep track of changes to your CSP policy and monitor your app’s performance and security regularly.
  3. Validate user-input data: When executing dynamic scripts or code snippets, ensure that user-input data is properly sanitized and validated to prevent XSS attacks.
  4. Keep your app’s dependencies up-to-date: Regularly update your app’s dependencies, including the InAppBrowser plugin, to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.
CSP Directive Description
default-src Defines the default policy for all types of content (e.g., scripts, styles, images)
script-src Specifies the sources of scripts that can be executed
style-src Specifies the sources of styles that can be applied
img-src Specifies the sources of images that can be loaded
connect-src Specifies the sources of web sockets and XMLHttpRequest connections


Overriding CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser can be a powerful technique for achieving the level of customization and flexibility you need for your app. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can unlock the full potential of your app’s web view while maintaining a secure and reliable environment.

Remember, CSP is an essential security feature that should not be taken lightly. Be cautious when relaxing the policy, and always prioritize your app’s security and integrity.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle even the most complex CSP-related challenges in your Cordova InAppBrowser project. Happy coding!Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Cordova InAppBrowser override content security policy” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Cordova InAppBrowser and Content Security Policy overrides!

What is the purpose of Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser?

Content Security Policy (CSP) in Cordova InAppBrowser is a security feature that helps protect your app from malicious code injections and XSS attacks. It defines which sources of content are allowed to be executed within your app, ensuring that only trusted resources are loaded.

Can I override the Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser?

Yes, you can override the Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser by setting the `cordova.InAppBrowser.Open` method’s `options` parameter to `{ headers: { ‘Content-Security-Policy’: ‘your-csp-directives’ } }`. This allows you to define custom CSP directives that suits your app’s needs.

What are some common use cases for overriding Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser?

Common use cases for overriding CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser include loading external scripts or stylesheets, integrating third-party services, or displaying content from untrusted sources. However, be cautious when overriding CSP, as it may compromise your app’s security.

How do I define a custom Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser?

To define a custom CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser, you need to specify the policy directives as a string in the `options` parameter of the `cordova.InAppBrowser.Open` method. For example, `options = { headers: { ‘Content-Security-Policy’: “default-src ‘self’; script-src ‘self’; style-src ‘self’;” } }`. This sets the default source to ‘self’, allows scripts from ‘self’ and, and allows styles from ‘self’ and

Are there any security risks associated with overriding Content Security Policy in Cordova InAppBrowser?

Yes, overriding CSP in Cordova InAppBrowser can introduce security risks if not done carefully. It can potentially allow malicious code to be injected into your app, compromising user data and app security. Therefore, it’s essential to only whitelist trusted sources and implement additional security measures to mitigate potential risks.

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