Unlock the Mystery: Why Does This <input>’s @focus Event Listener Set the State Properly Only Once?
Image by Holland - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Mystery: Why Does This <input>’s @focus Event Listener Set the State Properly Only Once?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your <input> element’s @focus event listener is being finicky? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has plagued many a developer, leaving them frustrated and searching for answers. Today, we’ll dive deep into the world of JavaScript event listeners and React state management to uncover the root cause of this problem and, more importantly, how to solve it.

The Problem: An <input> Element’s @focus Event Listener Failing to Set State

Imagine you have an <input> element, and you want to set the state of your React component when it receives focus. You’ve written the code, and it seems straightforward:

  onFocus={() => {
    this.setState({ focused: true });
  onBlur={() => {
    this.setState({ focused: false });

However, much to your surprise, the state is only set properly on the first focus event. Subsequent focus events seem to be ignored, leaving your state stuck in limbo. What’s going on?

The Culprit: Synthetic Events in React

The answer lies in React’s use of synthetic events. Synthetic events are a way for React to provide a consistent, cross-browser event system. When you use an event handler like onFocus, React wraps the native event in a synthetic event object. This object is then passed to your event handler function.

The problem arises because React reuses synthetic events to improve performance. This means that the same synthetic event object is used for multiple events, including consecutive focus events. When you update the state in your event handler, React will batch those updates and only apply them after the event handling is complete.

Here’s what happens behind the scenes:

  1. The <input> element receives focus, triggering the onFocus event.
  2. React creates a synthetic event object and passes it to your event handler function.
  3. Your event handler function updates the state using this.setState({ focused: true }).
  4. React batches the state update.
  5. The onFocus event is completed, and React reuses the synthetic event object.
  6. The <input> element receives focus again, but the synthetic event object is already marked as handled. Your event handler function is not called, and the state is not updated.

This explains why the state is only set properly on the first focus event.

Solution 1: Use a Flag to Detect Consecutive Focus Events

One way to solve this issue is to use a flag to detect consecutive focus events. You can achieve this by introducing a separate variable to track the focus state:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { focused: false };
    this.isFocused = false;

  handleFocus = () => {
    if (!this.isFocused) {
      this.setState({ focused: true });
      this.isFocused = true;

  handleBlur = () => {
    this.isFocused = false;
    this.setState({ focused: false });

  render() {
    return (

In this solution, we’ve introduced the isFocused flag to track the focus state. In the handleFocus function, we check if the flag is false before updating the state. If the flag is already true, we skip the state update. The handleBlur function resets the flag when the <input> element loses focus.

Solution 2: Use a Debounce Function to Handle Consecutive Focus Events

Another approach is to use a debounce function to handle consecutive focus events. A debounce function limits the number of times a function can be called within a certain time frame. We can use this to ensure that the state is only updated once within a short period:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { focused: false };
    this.handleFocusDebounced = _.debounce(this.handleFocus, 100);

  handleFocus = () => {
    this.setState({ focused: true });

  handleBlur = () => {
    this.setState({ focused: false });

  render() {
    return (

In this solution, we’ve used the Lodash debounce function to limit the handleFocus function to be called only once within 100 milliseconds. This ensures that consecutive focus events within a short period are ignored, and the state is only updated once.

Solution 3: Use a Timeout to Handle Consecutive Focus Events

A third approach is to use a timeout to handle consecutive focus events. We can set a timeout to update the state after a short delay, and clear the timeout if another focus event is received within that delay:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { focused: false };
    this.focusTimeout = null;

  handleFocus = () => {
    if (this.focusTimeout) {
    this.focusTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
      this.setState({ focused: true });
    }, 100);

  handleBlur = () => {
    this.setState({ focused: false });

  render() {
    return (

In this solution, we’ve used a timeout to update the state after 100 milliseconds. If another focus event is received within that time frame, we clear the timeout and start again. This ensures that the state is only updated once within a short period.


We’ve explored the mysterious case of the <input> element’s @focus event listener setting the state properly only once. By understanding the role of synthetic events in React and using one of the three solutions presented, you can ensure that your event listener functions as expected. Remember to always consider the nuances of React’s event handling and state management when debugging issues in your application.

Solution Description
Flag Uses a separate variable to track the focus state and update the state only when necessary.
Debounce Uses a debounce function to limit the number of times the state is updated within a certain time frame.
Timeout Uses a timeout to update the state after a short delay and clears the timeout if another focus event is received within that time frame.

Which solution will you choose? The fate of your <input> element’s @focus event listener is in your hands!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on the curious case of the input’s focus event listener setting state properly only once!

What’s the deal with the focus event listener only setting the state once?

This phenomenon occurs because the focus event listener is only triggered when the input field gains focus for the first time. Subsequent focus events don’t re-trigger the listener, hence the state is only set properly once.

Is this a React-specific issue or a JavaScript quirk?

This is a JavaScript quirk, not specific to React. The focus event listener behaves this way by design, and it’s not unique to React applications.

How can I get the focus event listener to work as expected?

To get the focus event listener to work as expected, you can try using the `blur` event listener in combination with the `focus` event listener. This way, you can reset the state on blur and set it again on focus, ensuring the state is updated correctly.

Can I use a workaround, like using setTimeout, to get the state to update correctly?

While using setTimeout might seem like a viable workaround, it’s not recommended. This approach can lead to unwanted side effects and is generally considered an anti-pattern. Instead, use the `blur` and `focus` event listeners in tandem to achieve the desired behavior.

What’s the moral of the story here?

The moral of the story is to understand how event listeners work, especially when dealing with focus events. Don’t assume that an event listener will be triggered every time a user interacts with an input field. Instead, take the time to learn about the underlying mechanics and use the right tools to achieve the desired behavior.