Testing SimpleSelect React.js Component with Cypress: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Testing SimpleSelect React.js Component with Cypress: A Step-by-Step Guide

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When it comes to testing React.js components, Cypress is an excellent choice. In this article, we’ll dive into testing a SimpleSelect React.js component using Cypress. We’ll cover an example testcase and provide a comprehensive guide to get you started. So, buckle up and let’s get testing!

What is SimpleSelect?

SimpleSelect is a popular React.js component for creating dropdown selects with ease. It provides a range of features, including support for multi-select, async loading, and customizable templates. With its simplicity and flexibility, SimpleSelect has become a go-to component for many React developers.

Setting up Cypress for Testing

Before we dive into the example, make sure you have Cypress installed and set up in your project. If you’re new to Cypress, here’s a brief overview to get you started:

  • Install Cypress using npm by running the command npm install cypress in your project directory.
  • Run npx cypress verify to verify the installation and set up Cypress.
  • Create a new folder in your project directory and name it cypress. This will be the root folder for your Cypress test files.

The TestCase: Testing SimpleSelect with Cypress

Now that we have Cypress set up, let’s create a testcase to test our SimpleSelect component. In this example, we’ll create a test that checks the following scenarios:

  1. The SimpleSelect component renders correctly with a list of options.
  2. Selecting an option updates the selected value.
  3. Clearing the selected value resets the component to its initial state.

Step 1: Create a Test File

Create a new file in the cypress/integration folder and name it simple-select.spec.js. This file will contain our testcase.

// simple-select.spec.js
describe('SimpleSelect Component', () => {
  // Our testcase will go here

Step 2: Mount the SimpleSelect Component

First, we need to mount our SimpleSelect component in the test file. We’ll use the mount function from @cypress/react to render the component.

// simple-select.spec.js
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from '@cypress/react';
import SimpleSelect from '../SimpleSelect';

describe('SimpleSelect Component', () => {
  const options = [
    { value: 'option1', label: 'Option 1' },
    { value: 'option2', label: 'Option 2' },
    { value: 'option3', label: 'Option 3' },

  const component = mount(
      onChange={(value) => console.log(value)}

Step 3: Write the Testcases

Now that our component is mounted, let’s write our testcases.

Testcase 1: Rendering Correctly

// simple-select.spec.js
it('renders correctly with options', () => {
  cy.get('[data-testid="option-list"]').should('have.length', 3);

In this testcase, we’re using Cypress’s get command to select the SimpleSelect component and its option list. We’re then using the should command to assert that the component is visible and has three options.

Testcase 2: Selecting an Option

// simple-select.spec.js
it('selects an option correctly', () => {
  cy.get('[data-testid="selected-value"]').should('have.text', 'option1');

In this testcase, we’re using Cypress’s get command to select the first option and then assert that the selected value is updated correctly.

Testcase 3: Clearing the Selected Value

// simple-select.spec.js
it('clears the selected value', () => {

In this testcase, we’re using Cypress’s get command to select the clear button and then assert that the selected value is cleared.

Running the Test

Now that we’ve written our testcase, let’s run it! Open a terminal in your project directory and run the command npx cypress run. This will launch Cypress and run our testcase.

Common Cypress Commands

If you’re new to Cypress, here are some common commands you’ll use in your testcases:

Command Description
cy.get() Selects an element using a CSS selector, data-test-id, or other methods.
cy.click() Simulates a click event on an element.
cy.should() Makes an assertion about the state of an element.
cy.wait() Waits for an element to be visible, exist, or meet a specific condition.


In this article, we’ve covered how to test a SimpleSelect React.js component using Cypress. We’ve created a testcase that checks the component’s rendering, option selection, and clearing the selected value. By following these steps and using Cypress’s powerful commands, you can ensure your React components are thoroughly tested and reliable.

Remember to explore Cypress’s extensive documentation and learn more about its features and capabilities. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to boost your testing skills with Cypress! Here are some frequently asked questions about testing SimpleSelect React.js component with Cypress.

What is a SimpleSelect component in React.js?

A SimpleSelect component in React.js is a dropdown list that allows users to select one option from a list of options. It’s a common UI component used in many web applications.

Why do I need to test a SimpleSelect component?

Testing a SimpleSelect component is crucial to ensure that it works correctly and provides a good user experience. You want to verify that the component renders correctly, that options can be selected, and that the selected option is displayed correctly.

Can you give me an example of a test case in Cypress to test a SimpleSelect component?

Here’s an example of a test case in Cypress to test a SimpleSelect component:
cy.get(‘[data-testid=”selected-option”]’).should(‘have.text’, ‘option-1’)
This test case selects an option from the dropdown list and verifies that the selected option is displayed correctly.

How do I handle multiple options in a SimpleSelect component using Cypress?

To handle multiple options in a SimpleSelect component using Cypress, you can use the `each` command to iterate over the options and perform actions on each one. For example:
cy.get(‘[data-testid=”select-options”]’).each(($option) => {
cy.get(‘[data-testid=”selected-option”]’).should(‘have.text’, $option.text())
This test case clicks on each option in the dropdown list and verifies that the selected option is displayed correctly.

Can I use Cypress to test the accessibility of a SimpleSelect component?

Yes, Cypress provides built-in commands to test the accessibility of a SimpleSelect component. For example, you can use the `tabbable` command to test that the component is focusable:
This test case verifies that the component can be focused using the tab key.

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