Livewire 3: Conquering the Month Picker / Datepicker Conundrum
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Livewire 3: Conquering the Month Picker / Datepicker Conundrum

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Are you stuck in limbo with Livewire 3, struggling to get your month picker or datepicker working when using component lazy loading? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solution to this pesky problem right here!

The Issue at Hand

Livewire 3 has brought about a plethora of awesome features, but, like with any major update, some quirks have risen to the surface. One such quirk is the month picker / datepicker not firing when using component lazy loading. You’ve written the code, you’ve loaded the component, but… nothing. Zilch. Zip. Zero.

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this is happening in the first place.

The Reason Behind the Madness

Livewire 3 uses a different approach to rendering components compared to its predecessors. With lazy loading, the component is rendered only when it’s actually needed, which is great for performance, but can cause issues with certain JavaScript-based components, like our beloved month picker / datepicker.

The problem lies in the fact that Livewire 3’s lazy loading mechanism doesn’t allow the JavaScript code to run automatically when the component is loaded. Instead, it waits for the component to be fully rendered before executing the JavaScript, which is too late for our datepicker friend.

The Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide

Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got a solution that’s easier than solving a Sudoku puzzle (almost)! Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be enjoying a fully functional month picker / datepicker in no time:

Step 1: Update Your Livewire Component

First things first, update your Livewire component to include the `wire:init` directive. This directive tells Livewire to initialize the component immediately, rather than waiting for the entire component to be rendered.

<div wire:init="init">
    <input type="text" id="datepicker" />

Step 2: Add the `init` Method

In your Livewire component, add an `init` method that will handle the initialization of your datepicker. This method will be called when the component is initialized, ensuring that your datepicker is ready to rock ‘n’ roll!

public function init()

Step 3: Create the `initDatepicker` Listener

In your JavaScript code, add a listener for the `initDatepicker` event. This listener will handle the initialization of your datepicker. Make sure to add this code within the `$(document).ready()` function to ensure it runs after the component has been fully loaded.

$(document).ready(function () {
    Livewire.on('initDatepicker', function () {
            format: 'mm-yyyy',
            autoclose: true,
            minViewMode: 1,

Step 4: Update Your Component Template

Finally, update your component template to wire up the datepicker input field to the `initDatepicker` listener. Add the `wire:ignore` directive to prevent Livewire from interfering with the datepicker’s JavaScript code.

<div wire:init="init">
    <input type="text" id="datepicker" wire:ignore />

And that’s it! With these simple steps, you should now have a fully functional month picker / datepicker in your Livewire 3 application.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common obstacles:

  • Make sure you’ve included the jQuery library in your project. If you’re using a CDN, ensure it’s the latest version.

  • Verify that your datepicker JavaScript code is being executed by adding a console log statement within the `initDatepicker` listener.

  • Check that your Livewire component is being initialized correctly by adding a `console.log` statement within the `init` method.

  • If you’re using a custom datepicker library, ensure it’s compatible with Livewire 3 and lazy loading.


Livewire 3’s lazy loading mechanism can sometimes cause headaches, but with these simple steps, you can overcome the month picker / datepicker conundrum and enjoy a seamless user experience. Remember to stay calm, stay patient, and stay creative!

Happy coding, and may the Livewire force be with you!

Livewire Version 3.x
Component Type Livewire Component
Datepicker Library jQuery Datepicker (or similar)
Lazy Loading Enabled

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Livewire 3 – Month picker / Datepicker Not Fired when using component lazy” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on resolving the pesky month picker/datepicker issue in Livewire 3 when using component lazy loading!

Why is my month picker/datepicker not firing when using component lazy loading in Livewire 3?

This issue is caused by the fact that Livewire 3 uses a different approach to lazy loading components, which can prevent the month picker/datepicker from being initialized properly. To fix this, you need to make sure that the component is fully loaded before trying to initialize the datepicker.

How can I ensure that my component is fully loaded before initializing the datepicker?

You can use the `@once` directive or the `wire:init` event to ensure that your component is fully loaded before initializing the datepicker. This will guarantee that the datepicker is initialized only after the component has finished loading.

What is the purpose of the `wire:init` event in Livewire 3?

The `wire:init` event is fired when the component has finished loading and is ready to be initialized. You can use this event to perform any initialization tasks, including initializing the datepicker.

Can I use a third-party library to fix this issue?

Yes, you can use a third-party library like Flatpickr or Pikaday to handle datepicker functionality. These libraries provide a more robust and flexible solution that can work around the limitations of Livewire 3’s lazy loading.

What are some best practices for using lazy loading with datepickers in Livewire 3?

Some best practices include using the `@once` directive or the `wire:init` event to ensure that the datepicker is initialized only after the component has finished loading, and using a third-party library to handle datepicker functionality. Additionally, make sure to follow Livewire 3’s guidelines for lazy loading and datepicker usage.

Let me know if you need any changes!

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